Friday 8 June 2007

Geography [[Weather and Climate]] 4.2

[[4.2 Why do seasonal variations of climate occur?]]
Coriolis force = the effect that the rotationm of the earth has on any moving body.
*Northen Heisphere - air is deflected to the right by the coriolis force
*Southern hemisphere - air is deflected to the left by the coriolis force
*Where the winds meet at the equator they are rising, due to heat and spiral effect
* Air sinks and some heads back to the poles and some heads to equator
Front = the meeting of two types of air. Eg, the meeting of the warm tropical air and the cold polar air at the polar front. Here, the warm air rises up over the cold air.
Convergence = two lots of air coming together and rising leading to low pressure
Divergence = two lots of air meeting and sinking leading to high pressure.
Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ): area of converging air at the equator
Antucyclones = areas of high pressures
Low Pressure formed by sinking air gives wet weather and leads to depressions
High pressure formed by rising air gives dry weather and leads to anticyclones
* Pressure belts are effected by the distribution of land and sea due to the ability of land/sea to warm up/cool down

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