Friday 8 June 2007

Geography [[Weather and Climate]] 4.2

[[4.2 Why seasonal climates and how does the effect vegetation?]]
The Climates:
Hot Desert
Equitorial Climate

July= subtropical high pressure leading to hot and dry climate
December = Polar Low Pressure leaidng to warm and wet climate

Hot Desert
July = Subtropical high pressure leading to hot and dry climate
December = Subtropical high pressure leading to hot and dry climate
July = Equitorial LowPressure leading to hot and wet climate
December = Subtropical high pressure leading to hot and dry climate

Equitorial Climate
July = Equitorial LowPressure leading to hot and wet climate
December = Equitorial LowPressure leading to hot and wet climate
[[Water Budget Diagrams]]
A: Water Surplus
-Precipitation is greater thanpotential evapotranspiration
- Soil Water store is full
B: Soil Water Utilisation
- p.EVT greater than precipitation
- water store used up by plants
D: Soil Moisture Deficiency
- Soil Moisture store used up
- precipitation absorbed: no run off
- river levels fall/dry up
E: Soil Moisture Recharge
- water stores start to fill
F: Field Capacity reached
- ground water stores used

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