Friday 8 June 2007

Geography [[Weather and Climate]] 4.2

[[4.2 Features and Climates of an ecosystem]]

- high hummidity
- 29-30
- range = 4 degrees
- rain all year
- 2000 mm rain per year
- Tall, broad evergreen trees
- canopied forests with layered structure
- rapid nutrient cycling
- biomas 45.0jg/m

*Savanna Forest
- 23-33
- range = 10 degrees
- 10 months of rainfall
-800-900mm rain per year
- mixed grasslands with trees
- clearings of woody shrubs and tall trees
- drought resistant trees
- biomass 9.0kg/m

*Savanna Grassland
- 23-33
- range = 10 degrees
- 7 months of rainfall
-800-900mm rain per year
- mixed grasslands with trees
- clearings of woody shrubs and tall trees
- drought resistant trees
- biomass 9.0kg/m

*Sahel Scrubland/Semi Desert
- 22-36
-range=14 degrees
- 3-5 months of rainfall
- 300-500 mm rain per year
- Tall Savanna grass
-Isolated drought
- protection agaisnt fire/animal predators
- biomas 4.0

*True Desert
- 10-40
- range = 30 degrees
- 0mm annual precipitaion
- low humidity
- 0-100 (flash floods) rain per year
- Xerophytic plants to adapted to arid conditions
- limited species
- Biomas 0.6 kg/m

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