Saturday 5 May 2007

Biology [[Classification, Selection and Evolution]] Natural Selection

[[Natural Selection]]

Some rabbits are born with a better chance of survival than others. The variation within the population of rabbits mean that some will have features that will give them an advantage. Coat colour is an example of this, as those rabbits with the phenotype 'white coat colour' stand out agaisnt the environment and are more likley to be killed by predators. The gene for this coat colour is recessive, so the chances of a rabbit passing it onto offspring are small.

Selection Pressure: increase the chances of some alleles being passed on to new generations and decrease the chances of others being passed on.

The effect s f selection pressures on the frequency of alleles in a population is called Natural Selection.

Natural Selection: raises the frequency of alleles resulting in an advantage and reduces the frequency of alleles resulting in a disadvantage.

Biology 2, OCR

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