Thursday 31 May 2007

Chemistry [[Module Three]] Alcohols: Ethanol Production

Alcohols = homologous series with general formula CnH2n+1OH

[[Ethanol Production]]

- living yeast
- converts sugars into ethanol and carbon dioxide

C6H12O6 --yeast--> 2C2H5OH + 2CO2

- slow at low temps
- at high temps enzymes are denatured
- compromise temp of 35 degrees

[Direct Hydration]
- produced industrially
- steam
-phosphoric acid catalyst
- pressure = 6.5x103
- temp = 300 degrees

C2H4 +H20 <===> C2H5OH

- currently preferred method of ethanol production in UK
- ethene is raw material


* Fast reaction rate
* Pure product
* Finite raw material
* Continuous (cheap) process
* Expensive Equipment

* Slow reaction rate
* Impure product
* Infinite raw material
* Batch (expensive, manpower) process
* Cheap Equipment

1 comment:

prospective..... said...

Hi Lottie

Thanks for all the hardwork, shown by your input here. Three years on I have greatly benefited.

Thanks a lot

Prospective.... (Nancy)