Thursday 3 May 2007

Module Five [[Periodicity]] Reactions with Water, Oxygen and Chlorine

Element: Na
Atomic Number: 11
Electronic Config.: 1s22s22p63s1
Type of Element: metal
Oxide Bonding: ionic
Chloride Bonding: ionic
* Reacts with water by losing the 3s electron: Na - e- -----> Na+
* reacts exothermically with cold water to for NaOH and Hydrogen
2Na(S) + 2H2O ---> 2NaOH(aq) + H2(g)
* Yellow Flame
*Strongly alkaline solution: pH 13
*Reacts vigorously with oxgen
* yellow flame
* forms sodium oxide
4Na + O2 ---> 2Na2O
* reacts very vigorously with chlorine
* forms Sodium Chloride
2Na + Cl2 ---> 2NaCl
Element: Mg
Atomic Number: 12
Electronic Config.: 1s22s22p63s2
Type of Element: metal
Oxide Bonding: ionic
Chloride Bonding: ionic
* reacts with steam
Mg(s) + H2O(l) ---> MgO(s) + H2(g)
*vigorous reaction with oxygen
* white flame
* forms magnesioun oxide
2Mg + O2 ---> MgO
* vigorous reaction when heated
* forms magnesium chloride
Mg + Cl2 ---> MgCl2
Element: Al
Atomic Number: 13
Electronic Config.: 1s22s22p63s2sp1
Type of Element: metal
Oxide Bonding: ionic
Chloride Bonding: covalent


* Initial vigorous reaction with oxygen
* forms aluminium oxide
4Al + 3O2 ---> 2Al2O3


* Vigorous reaction when heated under anhydrous conditions
* forms Aluminium Chloride
2Al + 3Cl2 ---> 2AlCl3
Element: Si
Atomic Number: 14
Electronic Config.: 1s22s22p63s23p2
Type of Element: non-metal
Oxide Bonding: covalent
Chloride Bonding: covalent


* slow reaction with oxygen
*forms silicon (IV) oxide
Si + O2 ---> SiO2
* slow reaction with chlorine
* forms silicon (IV) Chloride
Si + 2Cl2 ---> SiCl4
Element: P
Atomic Number: 15
Electronic Config.: 1s22s22p63s23p3
Type of Element: non-metal
Oxide Bonding: covalent
Chloride Bonding: covalent
* vigorous reaction with oxygen
*white fumes
* forms phospherous (V) oxide
P4 + 5O2 ---> P4O10
* slow reaction with chlorine
* forms phospherous (v) chloride
P4 + 10Cl2 ---> 4PCl5
Element: S
Atomic Number: 16
Electronic Config.: 1s22s22p63s2sp4
Type of Element: non-metal
Oxide Bonding: covalent
Chloride Bonding: covalent
* melts easily in oxygen
* blue flame
* forms sulphur (IV) oxide
* colourless oxide with choking odour
S + O2 ---> SO2

Textbook Summary
* Elements of Period Three react with oxygen to for Oxides
* Na, Mg and Al oxides are ionic, rest are covalent
* elements of pd 3 react with chlorine to form chlorides
* Na, Mg are ionic, rest are covalent
AlChloride is predominantly covalent because the Al ion is highly polarising
Chemistry for AQA (text book)

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