Wednesday 30 May 2007

Chemistry [[Module Three]] Alkenes: Reactions

150 degrees

- uses = production of margerine

[[Electrophilic Addition]]
Electrophile: positive ions (or electrodeficient atoms) that act as eclectron pair acceptors and seek electron rich sites.

1) Bromine Water
- used as a test for alkenes since alkenes decolourise bromine water and alkanes do not

2) Hydrogen Bromide

3) Sulphuric Acid

[[To unsymmetrical Alkenes]]

If an alkene is unsymetrical, then electrophilic addition can produce two possible compounds.
The one that is more likley to occur is the one which forms the more stable carbocation

Tertiary Carbocations are more stable than Secondary carbocations which are more stable than primary carbocations

[[Direct Hydration of Ethene]]
- steam
- 300 degrees
- 6,5 x 103 KPa
H3PO4 cat

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