Thursday 31 May 2007

Chemistry [[Module Three]] Epoxyethane

- more commonly known as ethylene oxide
- highly reactive
- manufactured on large scale
- used in synthesis of important products
* Ethane 1,2-diol
* non-ionic surfactants

- produced commercially by direct partial oxidation of ethene
- using oxygen/air
- silver based catalyst

- care needed in making and handling
- product = colourless gas
- product = flammable and explosive
- is toxic and may cause respiratory system irritation and neurological effects
- gas is excellent sterilising agent agaisnt bacteria.
-three membered ring makes epoxyethane very reactive towards nucleophiles
Nucleophiles = An electron Pair Donor
-Exothermic reactions with nucleophiles cause the ring to open
- primary products contain 2-hydroxyethyl groups.
[Reaction With Water]
- half epoxyethane commercial produced is converted to ethane 1,2-diol by reaction with water
- Exothermic reaction
- Slow at room temperature
- acid catalyst used
- In industry = epoxyethane treated with ten-fold molar excess of water,, 60 degrees and sulphuric acid.

- Resulting solution is condensed by evapouration and fractional distilation
- yield is 90%
- other product = HOCH2CH2OCH2CH2OH

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