Wednesday 23 May 2007

Chemsitry [[The A2 practical]] June 2006 Paper and Mark Scheme

3) Planning - Finding the order of a chemical reaction.

* State appropriate volume of gas - 20-25cm
* Use this volume to calculate the second calculation, in this case the volume of solution needed for dilution.

* Appropriate container for reaction - any vessel with a gas outlet and a stopper
* Appropriate collection of gas - over water or by syringe
* Apparatus for measuring volume of solution - measuring cylinder, pipette, buerette etc
* Thermostatic control - waterbath

* measure out specified volume of solution
* Keep mixtures at 20 degrees
* Take volume readings at suitable time interviews (or measure time taken to collect specific volume of gas).
* Experiment with at leats 2 concentrations of gas

* Mesasure volumes at regular untervals
* plot senisble graph of results of volume vs time
* Clear and correct explaination of rate from graph
* clear correct explanation of use of rate data to establish first order

* Phenol = toxic/corrosiv = wash spillages with cold water
* Eye protection.
* Pipette filler

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