Thursday 3 May 2007

Module Five [[Periodicity]] Period Three Oxides and Chlorides

Oxide: Na2O
Structure and Bonding: Giant Ionic
Melting Point: 1275 degress celcius
* High melting point as Giant ionic lattice so lots of bonds to break
* Actual m.p. influenced by size and charge of ions
* size of metal ion decreases across the period and the charge increases across period, which causes strong electrostatic forces of attraction so melting point increases.
* conducts electricity when molten
* Acts as a base, so react with acids to for salt and water
Na2O + H2SO4 ----> Na2S04 + H2O
* Dissolves exothermically in water
* solution has high pH of 13
Chloride: NaCl
Structure and Bonding: giant Ionic
melting point: 801
* Giant Ionic structure = high melting point
* dissolves in watere forming aqueous ions
NaCl + water ---> Na+ + Cl-
* no hydrolysis
* neutral solution: pH = 7
Oxide: MgO
Structure and Bonding: Giant Ionic
Melting Point: 2852 degress celcius
* Giant ionic structure = high melting point
* conducts electricity when molten
* acts as a base so reacts with acid to form salt and water
MgO + 2HCl ----> MgCl2 + H2O
* Sparingly soluble in water
* Limited hydrolysis occurs
Chloride: MgCl2
Structure and Bonding: giant Ionic
melting point:714
* Giant Ionic Structure = High melting point
* Slight Hydrolysis in water, so pH is about 6
MgCl2 + water ----> Mg2+ + 2Cl
To be continued

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